Sunday, May 8, 2011

Homily for the week of May 8, 2011

The Third Sunday in Easter, 2011
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
1 Peter 1:17-21
Luke 24:13-35

When the history of the 20th century is written it will mention the marvellous discoveries in medicine, in technology and communications, and in space exploration. It will mention the progress in eliminating or reducing illiteracy, poverty and discrimination, It will also mention wars such as the First and Second World Wars, the Korean and Vietnam Wars. It will mention the brutal repression and killing of thousands by strong willed dictators in the Sudan and in China. And the legalized killing of the unborn in this country.

I mention this today because of our Bible readings. After the death of Jesus the followers of Jesus became refugees in their country. At times they were not accepted by their own families. Yes, Jesus had died that they might be saved, but it seemed that it would have been a lot better if he had stayed alive. After, Jesus was not admired by most of his neighbors, and if you decided to follow Jesus, you too would be despised by most persons.

This week's gospel is the story of two downhearted, discouraged followers of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. A mysterious stranger joins them. They begin a conversation with a man they took to be a complete stranger. They could not hide the fact they were downcast, and they were quick to explain to the stranger the reason for their gloom. Jesus, in whom they believed, had been crucified they said, but we had hoped, they said, that he was the one to redeem Israel. They felt that the death of Jesus had left them high and dry -- stranded, confused, and at a loss.After listening carefully to their story, the stranger tells them that they are slow to "believe all that the prophets have announced." He then explains the Bible to them.

The two men are delighted with the stranger's teaching. But they do not realize that the stranger is Jesus until he takes bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to them. At Mass I as a priest will do this very same thing today right in front of you. At Mass we too meet Jesus along the road of our lives, and Jesus gives himself to us through these very actions.

Soon after this meeting of Jesus on the road to Emmaus the followers of Jesus did the same as we are doing here. Our Gospel reading gives a description of the early practice of the Catholic Mass and what we do at every Mass. There was the reading of Bible and the teachings of Jesus followed by discussion and interpretation. After that, everyone would go to the table for the blessing and “the breaking of bread,” a common reference to the Eucharist. In these very ordinary rituals, Christ was made visible, and His real presence was noted.

Have you ever wondered would you recognize Jesus if he came among us today? Remember we have no photos of Jesus and all of the art work which shows Jesus one way or another is based on the imagination of the artist. But Jesus is present among every day in the people we meet, when we gather to pray, and at Mass in the Eucharist. For example, on this Mother’s Day we at St. James honor 6 young boys and girls who for the first time will receive Holy Communion, and 23 teenagers who will confirm their Catholic faith in the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop LaValley.

Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we also come to know Jesus in the uninvited stranger, in the refugee from war torn countries, in the little baby who was born with severe disabilities; in the 96 year old women who lives alone. But most importantly, we come to know Jesus more intimately in our hearts. Coming to know Jesus in the depths of our hearts takes time. Time to let go, settle down. Time to listen to that familiar voice that speaks to us in silence.

On this second Sunday in May we also honor mothers. In the United States this custom is relatively a recent development, only in existence since 1908. The tradition of honoring mothers, however, is a revival of a practice that dates back to the Early Christians who celebrated a festival in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. They adorned the churches with flowers, jewels, rich metals, and expensive gifts.

For most of us it is our Mother who introduced us to Jesus when we were a young child. When we gather as a family to share a meal together on this Mother’s Day perhaps we should also find the time to pray together in gratitude for the gift of life and love. It is also a time when we can listen to one another. Our own stories may not sound very different from the two discouraged disciples on the road to Emmaus: we too may be disappointed; we too may have a past that makes little sense to us. But we are invited to tell our stories and to listen to one another.

Regardless of the roads we travel or the places they take us, we will meet Jesus along the way. He comes to us in different ways and we may not always be able to recognize him. He may come as a stranger on the road, or a newcomer to our road or school or work. He may come as an act of love from someone we know. We may see him in a time of great anxiety, or he may simply be there smiling to us through the face of a crocus or dandelion or flower, or in the the sound of a song or the glow of a sunset. Or in the Holy Communion which will be offered to us today. May we be ever watchful for his presence. In fact, He is among us here and now.

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